Selasa, 09 Juli 2013

Profile of The Shining Earth Foundation 
(Yayasan Bumi Berseri -- YBB)

Yayasan Bumi Berseri (YBB-- the Shining Earth Foundation) is a non-profit organization which was founded by four community development activists and environmentalists who have similar vision and high spirits in committing some down to earth activities for better environment especially in East Priangan areas of West Java, Indonesia.Coincides with the World Environment Day, 17 June 2013, YBB was registered to a Notary in Tasikmalaya City. The foundation is engaged in three main issues: environment, community development, and research.

In environmental issues, YBB conducts some activities such as: planting trees, modulating waste disposal management, and educating people and campaigning about the importance of sustainable environment. An inaugural activity is planting trees by tree adoption scheme. This activity has been started on wastelands of kampong Cipancur,  Sirnasari Village, Sariwangi Sub-District and kampong Cisarongge, Linggamulya Village, Leuwisari Sub-District, of Tasikmalaya District. This scheme is now being organized, along Ciawi-Singaparna road. The activity will be spread throughout East Priangan Areas including Tasikmalaya, Banjar, Ciamis, Garut and Pangandaran.

In community development issues, YBB commits in some activities such as: entrepreneurship training for youth, disaster experience tour, farmer group empowerment, and cooperative / small and medium scale enterprise empowerment. Some inaugural activities are entrepreneurship training for Senior high school students from Singaparna areas, and planting Californian Papayas (Carica papaya) and Lentils (Canavalia ensimorfis L) by partnership scheme between YBB and farmer groups.

And last but not least, YBB also conducts research on some strategic fields of study including: environmental, socio economics, culture, local knowledge and wisdom. The first research is about System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in Tasikmalaya Regency which is known as organic, and environmental friendly farming system.

Along with the increasing of environmental, socio-economical, and cultural problems and issues in the community, YBB directly and intensively involves and commits to search, formulate and implement some solution by expeditious approach.

The founding fathers are:
  1. Satya Laksana, SP, ME, MPP. He was born in Bandung in 1979, and has got degree of Agriculture from Padjadjaran University, Master of Economics from the same university and Master of Public Policy from National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS), Tokyo, Japan.
  2. Nanang Zulkarnaen, S.Hut, MT. He was born in Cianjur in 1975, and has got Degree of Forestry from Bogor Institute of Agriculture and Master of Technique from Bandung Institute of Technology.
  3. Thofan Raharjo, S.Hut, M.Si. He was born in Jogjakarta in 1974, and has got Degree of Forestry from Jogjakarta Institute of Agriculture, and Master of Science from Gadjah Mada University Jogjakarta.
  4. Dudi Hermansyah, S.Hut, MP, he was born in Tasikmalaya in 1980, and has got Degree of Forestry from Winawamukti University and Master of Agriculture from Siliwangi University Tasikmalaya.
YBB invites anyone, either individual or institutional, who has similar concerns to kindly participate in our programs, activities and actions. For more information please visit or directly come to our secretariat:  Perum Nangela Indah Blok B No. 112 RT 02 RW 10 Kel. Cigantang Kec. Mangkubumi, Tasikmalaya city, email:


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